Murach's OS/390 and z/OS JCL by Raul Menendez, Doug Lowe
Murach's OS/390 and z/OS JCL by Raul Menendez, Doug Lowe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Section 1: The IBM mainframe environmentLearn how the hardware and system software of an IBM mainframe work together, and see how OS/390 and z/OS build on earlier operating systems. If you're new to mainframes, this is must reading.Section 2: JCL essentialsLearn how to code the JCL that you'll use every day to run programs that process disk, tape, and print files.Section 3: Other JCL skillsTime-saving features that you'll use regularly, including error handling techniques, generation data groups, and SMS (the Storage Management Subsystem).Section 4: VSAM data managementSee how easy it is to code JCL for jobs that use VSAM files. Then, learn how to use the AMS utility to create and manage VSAM files.Section 5: System tools for programmersLearn how to use work-saving tools for program development. Like compilation procedures. Utilities for sorting and copying files. CLIST and REXX for procedure building. And UNIX System Services.From reader reviews:
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