Tuesday 29 September 2015

⋙: Her Secondhand Groom (Groom Series) (Volume 3) by Rose Gordon

Her Secondhand Groom (Groom Series) (Volume 3) by Rose Gordon

Her Secondhand Groom (Groom Series) (Volume 3)

Her Secondhand Groom (Groom Series) (Volume 3) by Rose Gordon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What he wanted was a plain and meek wife to take care of his children and stay out of his bedroom. What he got was a fiery temptress who, despite her plain appearance, was far more desirable than he could handle. Patrick Ramsey, Viscount Drakely, is used to having everything go according to his plans. And usually, it does, except when it comes to his three young daughters who are in desperate need of mother and governess. In an attempt to find a suitable woman, he stumbles upon the perfect woman for the post: Miss Juliet Hughes. Juliet, a local village girl, has been educated at London's most highly respect school for young ladies, and better yet, her plain features will make it easy for him to keep his hands off of her. But what Patrick doesn't realize is this plain young lady from a humble background is anything but the docile, biddable young lady he bargained for, and if he's not careful, he'll lose his heavily guarded heart a little more with each encounter they have. With unshakable confidence and a strong determination, Juliet has no intentions of letting this lofty lord run roughshod over her and will stop at nothing to remind him that they may have been born at unequal stations, but where it counts, they're matched perfectly.

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